A multi-instrumentalist, Zajac grew up in Edinburgh, singing and playing Scotland’s oldest national instrument, the Clarsach Harp. Between 2016 and 2020 she fronted the folk-blues trio Avocet, before moving onto the solo acoustic work which so beautifully shaped the songs from the aforementioned 2022 debut. It was while studying English Literature at Glasgow University that she also started focusing on poetry, culminating in a collection of 20-odd poems called The Salt I have Produced.
Picking guitar up in the early part of 2020, Zajac soon began turning the poems into songs, writing and recording amid the calm sanctity of her Glasgow flat. “I had no idea they would become songs one day, but when I realised I had all of this material, it was like a gift to myself,” she says of this time. “I’d sit in my quiet room in Ibrox and edit the lines and words together, seeing what worked when sung.”
Currently spending her time between Glasgow and Dublin, she is equally at home on stage or singing folk songs acapella at one of Dublin’s many traditional singing sessions, where she can often be found whilst not on tour.