A fascinating mixture of folk, rock, and soul, the EP is deliberately fluid, Lutalo allowing the framework to be as loose and wide-ranging as the work led. “The vision I have for this project is not so much genre-based as it is sound-based,” Lutalo expands, “and that sound is just a reflection of me. I didn’t want any boundaries because I’m not trying to replicate anything that’s come before. I only want to be adding to music in some way, I don’t feel like being an emulator.”
And so we have ‘Call It In’, the EP’s opening track and a laidback gem, the gentle sunlit groove of the production presenting a fascinating backdrop for Lutalo’s captivating delivery. Juxtaposed by the track’s internal monologue, the track casts its eye over the small details of getting through everyday life, while attempting to set seeds for the ‘stable future’ you were always told was guaranteed as long as you played along.