“Minimal and brutal.” 8/10 Uncut
“Foul-mouthed left-wing duo.” Daily Mail
“A poetic blast of classic rage” The Times
“A currently unrivalled feast for the mind.” Mojo
“Nobody can touch Sleaford Mods right now.” Narc
“Jason Williamson’s populist fury is razor sharp.” Wire
“Something potent, original and unique.” The Telegraph
“Scalding excoriations of modern life.” The Independent
“Fierce yet killer funny, dense but never flabby, this is bile with mileage.” The Independent
“Biting humour and sharp observations of an uncomfortably recognisable contemporary Britain.” The Observer
“Anger is still the foremost energy, but there is a much richer seam of humour than they like to let on. Their set is relentlessly powerful.”The Guardian